It’s been a blessing to find some relief from the oppressive summer heat. Imagine the 100-degree days of this past summer magically becoming 85-degree days. Imagine better air quality (Memphis ranks among the nation’s worst cities for air quality), and reduced incidences of asthma and respiratory illness. Imagine less flooding during heavy spring rains, and a living filter protecting our threatened aquifer. What’s this magic bullet for these and other chronic problems that burden our city? Trees.
Trees are more than landscaping. They’re air and water filtration systems and oxygen producing machines. They’re UV sunlight and rainwater sponges, and their presence has a proven benefit to public health. They can reduce the effects of urban heat island effect by as much as 15-degrees Fahrenheit on the hottest of summer days. They provide ecological services worth tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars per tree each year, and they can relieve pressure on our inadequate stormwater infrastructure. They provide habitat for endangered birds as well as shrinking populations of butterflies, bees, and other important pollinators.
We love our big trees here in Memphis, and we love thinking of our city as a “tree city.” Unfortunately, the Canopy Action Plan study conducted in Memphis in 2013-2014 showed us that our canopy is dwindling, and that the rate is accelerating. The Cooper-Young Community Association wants to help reverse that trend, at least in our neighborhood. We’re offering each homeowner in the community a native hardwood tree, installed absolutely free. We’ll call 811 for you and install the species of your choice (3-feet to 6-feet tall) during the first weekends of November. Our aim is to plant 100 trees this year, and we need your help to reach that goal. Email today to choose your tree and reserve a piece of our city’s future. — Mike Larrivee