Hello neighbors, I hope this Lamplighter finds you well; in these crazy times, I’d say that means somewhat sane and capable of some mild relaxation.
This is actually the second letter I’ve written for this issue; right before sending my articles to the editor, I re-read my initial letter, which was a pleasant little missive about summer plans and camping, and realized it was totally inappropriate. I feel like I need a disclaimer similar to one that plays at the beginning of the National Public Radio politics podcast I sometimes listen to: This letter was written at 6:20 p.m. on March 16, 2020; by the time you read this, things may have changed.
Things have changed, and I can’t remember a time in my life that is even somewhat comparable. Literally everything is different than it was two weeks ago, and all I can think of is: What next? It’s a weird feeling, isn’t it, adjusting your expectations of reality so drastically literally overnight? It makes me feel as if the floors in my house are tilted (which, yeah, 100 year old house, technically they are). I feel as though human animals don’t do very well with uncertainty, which we have in abundance right now.
What’s keeping me sane? Reaching out to my friends and family to see how and what they’re doing. Trying to make some kind of plan for my household’s days (which is bound to be changed several times or go out the window entirely). Reminding myself that, no matter what’s coming, I’m okay RIGHT NOW.
Throughout this time, I’d love for the CYCA to be a resource for our neighborhood. It’s hard to know exactly what people will need and what we have the bandwidth to provide, but brainstorming is never a bad thing, so I’ll be doing that via Facebook and Next Door. If you have any particularly great ideas of how we can help one another without physically coming together, give ‘em to me: info@cooperyoung.org. — Amanda Yarbro-Dill